Tuesday 11 September 2012

HoW to PrePare ButterMilk?

Buttermilk?? Nak dijadikan cerita...aku dulu pn bkn nyer tau apa tue buttermilk....tapi memandangkan skrg nie segala nyer di hujung jari, maka akhirnya dapat lh juga search info tentang buttermilk neh....Tapi aku rajin sket (perasan sekali sekala) so, aku search video dlm youtube...hehehehe. Kita xlah pakai buttermilk nie hari2. So, when you try one, you have to use homemade buttermilk or get it ready-made.The remaining buttermilk has to be stored in the refrigerator, tapi selalu nyer dibuang jerk.......Kebanyakan baker gemar guna subtitues buttermilk drpd buttermilk buatan sendiri....Walaupn cepat dan jimat masa, tapi still xsama woooo. namun, aku prefer yg substitus...hehehehe

Here are some recipes to make buttermilk substitutes.

Method 1: In order to make a cup of buttermilk, you need one cup of milk (preferably whole milk), one tablespoon of lemon juice or white vinegar. Add lemon juice or vinegar to the milk and mix well with a spoon. If you are using lemon juice, make sure to sieve it, so as to remove the seeds and pulp. (You can even use lemon juice concentrate.) Wait for five to ten minutes. The lemon juice/vinegar will curdle the milk that can be used as a buttermilk substitute.

Method 2: You can make a substitute for buttermilk, by adding 1¾ teaspoons of cream of tartar to a cup of plain milk. Mix it well with the milk and keep it aside for ten minutes. You can use the curdled solution as a replacement for buttermilk. Nowadays, buttermilk powder is also available, which has to be mixed with sufficient water to make buttermilk.

Method 3: You may replace buttermilk with yogurt too. All you have to do is to check the amount of buttermilk needed for the recipe and replace it with the same amount of yogurt. But only plain yogurt will serve the purpose and not the flavored ones, which can spoil the flavor of the dish. Some people use plain milk as an alternative to buttermilk.

Method 4: Another buttermilk substitute can be prepared by adding equal amounts of milk and yogurt. If you need one cup of buttermilk, you have to take ½ cup yogurt and ½ cup of plain milk. Mix well and use the solution, once it curdles. You may also use sour cream (mixed with 2 to 3 tablespoons of milk) as a substitute for buttermilk.
Buttermilk Substitutes
A One Look Guide
a). 1 cup plain milk + 1 tbsp lemon juice
b). 1 cup plain milk + 1 tbsp white vinegar
c). ½ cup plain milk + ½ cup yogurt
d). 1 cup sour cream + 2 tbsp plain milk
e). 1 cup plain yogurt
f). 1 cup plain milk + 1¾ tsp cream of tartar
g). 1 cup plain water + 4 tbsp powdered buttermilk

Weheee......selamat mencuba bg yg belum mencuba......

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