Sunday, 14 October 2012

Chocolate Oreo Cake......

Alhamdulillah....musim haji dah pn bermula. Kejap jer kn masa berlalu...cuti weekend pn xterasa sgt dah skrg nie. Br rasa nk berehat, da nk kena pergi kerja....uhuk2....almaklumlah mkn gaji. xkeje xder lh duit. Even kalau buat bisness sendiri pn kna rajin berusaha. Duit xkan datang melayang atau bergolek..kn2...?? Semoga umat Islam yg menunaikan haji tahun ini akan memperoleh haji yg mabrur serta ketenangan hati...aminnn. Insyaalah ada rezeki, maka jejaklah kaki nie ke sana....xsabar nyerrrr.
Ehem2....walaupn cuti tue xlah terasa sgt, tp aktiviti yg rutin nie xpnah nyer tinggal...weheee. Apa lagi operasi membakar ler..For this weekend, i managed to complete a chocolate oreo cake which i get from the RASA magazine. This RASA magazine is one of the magazines that i collected every month. Walaupun gambaran asal nyer biasa jer, tp aku terlebih rajin menghias kek tue smpailh bertukar menjadi kartun doreamon....chumel nyerr......nk makan pn sayang. Rasa kek tue mmng sedap, bau pn semerbak bau oreo. Memang lulus lh. So sesape nk try boley refer resipi bawah k. Selamat mencuba!!
Chocolate Oreo Cake
Source: RASA Magazine

3g Instant Nescafe
230g brown sugar ---------> I reduce to 200g
150ml fresh milk
80ml hot water

2 egss

(C) - combine and sifted
115g flour
40g cocoa powder
8g soda bicarbonate
5g baking powder

10pcs Oreo (crushed) -----> I blend using blender

120ml corn oil -------> I used canola oil (^ ^)

  1. Pre-heat oven at T = 180'C for 10mins.
  2. Combine (A) and mixed well.
  3. Add eggs one by one until spongy.
  4. Continue add (C) and(D). Mixed until well incorporated.
  5. Add (E) and beat a while.
  6. Pour into baking tray and bake for 35 ~ 40mins (depends on oven condition)
  7. After complete baking, let it cool first before continue decorate it with your favourite frostings.
Hehehe mudah jer kan...kalau dah mmng minat, buat pn rasa seronok jerk. Teringat zaman kanak2, minat sgt tgk kartun doraemon nie. Walaupn kekadang tue mcm nk marah jerk Nobita sbb nyer, xmenghargai kemudahan yg ada. skrg pn dok layan lg citer kartun neh....lalalalala~ sebagai penutup jom kita dgr lagu Doraemon.

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Carrot Walnut Cake.....Best Ever

Carrot....oooo carrot...hehehe mcm xpercaya jerk si carrot nie sedap bila diolah didlm kek. Selalu sangat dah aku dengar orang kata kek nie sedap, tp aku xpernah sempat nk mmbuat nyer. Xsampai seru lg lh katakan....weheee. Tp mmng betol pn....sedap hingga menjilat sudu. Tekstur kek nyer mmng lembap jerk, pastu lemak2 gitu....ditambah lak dengan cream cheese frosting. Dihias lak dgn si comel carrot tue....geram tau. Cepat juga kek nie habis berbanding dengan Choc Buttermilk kek hari tue. Resepi asal dari dapur 'Kitchen Guardian' and buku -buku masakan teristimewa aku. Ngeee usual, suka buat suka hati. Maka nyer, ada yg aku tambah...and ada yg aku kurangkan....Alhamdulillah, hasilnya mmng sukses lh...

Carrot Walnut Cake
Source: Kitchen Guardian + Books

2 cups flour
1 1/2 cup corn oil -----> I used canola oil (it's also ok if using cooking oil)
1 1/2 cup sugar -----> I reduce to 1 1/3 cup, hehehe just nice
3 cups grated carrot -----> I added 2 cups only
4 eggs
3/4 cup chopped walnut ---> Ngee...I mixed 1/2 cup roughly grind walnut with 1/3cup almond powder
1/2 cup raisins -----> I did not add
2 tsp Baking Powder
2 tsp Sodium Bicarbonate
Vanilla essence (I added)

1. Pre-heat oven at T=160'C and prepare  2 of 9'in cake trays. (I  used 1 tray size 7'in)
2. Combine and sift flour, baking powder and sodium bicarbonate.
3. Beat oil sugar and vanilla essence until well mixed.
4. Add egg one by one until batter wll incorporated.
5. Continue adding flour in 3 addition.
6.Lastly bake in oven for ~40 mins (Depends on toven, ray size and thickness of batter)
7. Let it cool first before decorate it with your favourite frosting. (I prefer cream cheese frostings)

Lalalalalalala~ simple is it?

Opppps...yg 3 biji cupcake dlm pic atas tue sesaje jer aku buat. Da nmpk mcm apam pisang dah kn2. Well don't judge the cake by its first look....Rasa dulu br tau...hahaha. Aku hanya buat 10 pcs jer yg dlm bentuk kek cawan...dan yg 10 nie saje je aku tak letakkn frostings. tapi, yg si 10 nie lah yg habis dgn cepatnya. majoriti dihabiskn oleh si hubby....almaklumlah kawan xsuka frosting. Lenkali nk wat dlm bentuk cuppies je lh...Anyway...selamat mencuba yerk....!!

Monday, 8 October 2012

Chewy Gooey Gummy Brownies for Umul

Hi all......i'm quite slow this week...Hehehe. well as usual, Monday sickness @ Monday Blues....still in weekend mood. I did do some baking this weekend...maybe in the next post i'll share it ok? For this time, I just want to upload pic for chewy gooey gummy brownies which was order by my officemate...Alhamdullillah she likes it. Anyway thanks Ms time don't forget to order again ok...hehehehe (^  ^)
Chewy Gooey Gummy Brownies (8' x 11') in a box for Cik Umul....nyum2

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Marble Butter Cake

Resepi kek nie aku ambil dari buku masakan yg aku baru jer beli....Dah jadi tabiat, kalau masuk kedai buku atau kedai kek, beginilh jadi nyer....rambang mata. Sesaat xmungkin, tapi seminit tue boley jadi sejam dan berjam2...Memang da terketar2 sgt dah tgn nie nk mencuba resepi dalam buku tue. Memang tertarik menarik kau mmng debooom jer bila tgk gambar2 dalam buku tue...Mana aci kalau xbuat....Hehehe...

Hehehe...rekahan gunung berapi mini tue adalah disebabkn xsabo2 nk tau kek tue da masak ke aku dengan selambanya telah cucuk guna cake tester dibhgn tgh kek tue untuk confirmkn da masak ke x. Sepatot nyer mmng lah macam tue kn?Maka....tau2 je lh kan, kek tue kan tgh membesar, maka nyer bila terganggu jadi lh mcm tue. Tapi tak pe, sikit jer kn2? Pengajaran nyer, berhati2 bila nk test cake da masak ke belum....heheheheh. However, nie da dikira satu kejayaan tau, sbb tekstur kek tue mmng sedap. cewahhhhh....Mekasih Chef Zubaidah.

Monday, 1 October 2012

Chocolate Chip Muffin

Yesterday i managed to bake the Chocolate Chip Muffin.....Supper yummy...super chocolaty...and super rich.....Hehehe i think everybody need to try this muffin. I'll put this muffin in my menu list. Those who interested may place their orders....Feel free to vist my blog. Let us see the picture of the muffin...Lalalalalala~
look moist and chocolaty right??